Wise Men Came To Worship JESUS.
Matthew 2:2
JESUS Said, You Must Be Born Again To Get Into Heaven.
John 3:3
What Is Being Born Again?
It Is No Longer I Who Live, But CHRIST Who Lives In Me. And The Life I Now Live I Live By Faith In HIM, Who Loves Me and Gave HIS Life For Me.
Galatians 2:20
Whoever Believes GOD Who Sent JESUS Has Eternal Life. He Does Not Come Into Judgment, But Has Passed From Death To Life.
John 5:24
Be Not Conformed To This World, But Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind.
Romans 12:2
Because of GOD's kindness you have been saved by trusting JESUS CHRIST. Ephesians 2:8
The Murderer Hanging On The Cross To The Right Of JESUS Said, JESUS, Remember Me When YOU Come Into Your Kingdom. And JESUS Replied, This Day You Will Be With Me In Paradise.
Luke 23:42+43
Ask JESUS right now to remember you.
Confess The LORD, JESUS CHRIST, and You Will Be Saved From Eternal Darkness.
Romans 10:9
Your Old Birth Came From Mortal Sperm; Your New Birth Comes From GODS LIVING WORD.
1 Peter 1:25
Do You Know Anyone Who Got A Bad Doctors Report?
Here Are The Promises Of GOD For Their Healing.
I Am A Cancer Survivor Because Of These Promises.
Read A Page A Day and Rest In GODS WORD.
The Doctor Says: But GOD Says:
E-Book or Paperback
Researched and Paraphrased by:
Gary R Granato
Click Book Below
Chemotherapy Support Team
E-Mail Me For Prayer, Encouragement, Advice:
Been There, Done That.
Anti - Tumor, Liver Health, More Energy!
These Supplements Will Help You Like They're Helping Me!
Feel Better Soon!
Scroll Down To Bottom Of Page and Click On Chemo Support
JESUS releases feet from snares. HE is light and healing. HE will surround you with songs of deliverance; HE delights in your wellbeing. Speak of JESUS' faithfulness and salvation daily. HE protects and preserves life; never surrender to the enemy.
JESUS' hand will sustain you; HIS arm will strengthen you. HE will not violate HIS covenant or alter what HIS lips have uttered. HE sends out HIS WORD and It Heals. You have JESUS' unfailing love, HIS salvation according to HIS promises. HIS promises preserve life. HE is a strong deliverer, HE will shield you in your day of battle.
For everyone of JESUS' promises is "Yes".
HE sustains all things by HIS powerful WORDS. HE will show you that HIS never failing love protects like the walls of a fort.
JESUS will give you new strength!
HE will protect and defend you. You will always be in HIS care. For HE rescues from the power of death. JESUS is around you on every side; HE protects you with HIS power. Let HIM be the strength of your heart. Yes, protection is from the LORD JESUS.
HIS promises are your armor. Expect HIS help, for HE has promised it. HIS WORD restores joy and health. Quietly keep your mind upon HIS promises. Understand HIS WORD and live.
All of JESUS' promises are backed by the honor of HIS Name.
HIS HOLY SPIRIT will guide you, HIS strength will suppport you.
JESUS stands as a shield.
HE will uproot your disease!
Amen! and Amen!
GOD Didn't Give Us A Spirit Of Fear, But Of Power, Love, and A Sound Mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Grace and Peace Come From The Knowledge Of GOD and HIS SON, JESUS.
2 Peter 1:2
For The Things That Are Seen Are Temporal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
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